Opera Laboratori

Opera Laboratori  is a leading group in Italy in the cultural heritage sector, capable of providing an integrated range of services and a partner of C-WAY.


Over the years, Opera Laboratori has strengthened its relationships with major cultural institutions by offering innovative services and promoting strategies for enhancing cultural heritage. It has a specific ability to adapt its interventions to local contexts and to tailor its activities to the diverse realities in which it operates.

Opera Laboratori provides a significant entrepreneurial structure engaged in museum services and the organization of cultural events, specializing in specific areas such as the creation of installations and stage designs, restoration, and the production of exhibition projects that explore the relationships between art, science, and nature, aimed at a wide international audience. The integration of these local structures, new professional skills, and sector-specific specializations is not merely aimed at achieving size growth but is the result of ongoing research focused on building a "global operator" in the cultural heritage field.

Over time, Opera Laboratori has built a strong credibility widely recognized at the national level, securing a significant market share that positions it as a leader in the cultural heritage sector.

Collaboration with large groups and companies involved in cultural heritage, the know-how acquired in organizational, managerial, and promotional fields, and operational capabilities spread across the entire national territory have allowed Opera Laboratorii to achieve significant growth results, employing a nationwide service model in a multi-service company logic.