Legislative Decree 08/06/2001 n. 231 “Regulation of the administrative liability of legal entities, companies, and associations, including those without legal personality,” was enacted in implementation of Article 11 of the delegated law n. 300/2000, which ratifies important international agreements.

C-WAY S.r.l. is sensitive to the need to ensure conditions of fairness and transparency in the conduct of business and corporate activities, protecting its position and image, and is aware of the importance of establishing an internal control system suitable for preventing unlawful conduct by its directors, employees, collaborators, representatives, and business partners.

To this end, although the adoption of the Model is provided for by law as optional and not mandatory, C-WAY S.r.l. believes that the adoption and effective implementation of the Model itself help improve its Corporate Governance by limiting the risk of committing crimes within the company.

C-WAY S.r.l. firmly believes that it is necessary to conform to ethically correct behaviors, both in terms of compliance with laws and statutes.

For this reason, C-WAY S.r.l. adopts the Ethical Code of the parent company Costa Edutainment S.p.A., in line with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001.

The focus on promoting ethical conduct has been concretized, first and foremost, in the establishment and drafting of this document, which has been submitted for approval by the Board of Directors.

The Ethical Code is a set of principles and guidelines designed to inspire the activities of C-WAY S.r.l. and to guide the behavior not only of its employees but also of all those with whom the Company comes into contact during its operations, with the aim of ensuring that efficiency and seriousness are accompanied by ethical conduct.

Therefore, this Ethical Code constitutes a foundational component of the organizational model and control system adopted by C-WAY S.r.l., based on the conviction that ethics in conducting business is fundamental to the success of our Company’s activities. The Organizational Model and the Ethical Code have been approved by the Board of Directors of C-WAY S.r.l.

C-WAY S.r.l. has established a single-member Supervisory Body to assess the functioning of the Model and oversee its compliance. The Supervisory Body is equipped with independent powers of initiative and control.

Any violation or suspicion of violation of Model 231 and any other information related to the implementation of the Model can be reported to the Supervisory Body through the appropriate form. : MODULO PER LA SEGNALAZIONE

Reports can be sent in paper form to:

Supervisory Body
c/o C-WAY S.r.l.
Ponte Spinola – Area Porto Antico – Genoa
or to an email address :  odv@c-way.it



Ethical Code

Organizational Model

Whistleblowing policy

Reports instructions (whistleblowing)